本格的な「ペット共生社会」を迎えた我が国では、ペットビジネスを生涯の職業に選ぶ若人が増えています。 ペット業界に就くための技能を習得するスクールは全国に見られますが、旧来業界の商慣習の延長上にあることが否めません。
欧米ペット先進国を範とする近代的な技能育成カリキュラムを我が国に紹介し、 ペットビジネスの現場で指導的役割りを果たす事の出来る人材を輩出する目的をもって「日本ペットビジネススクール協会」が設立されました。
About Japan Pet Business Association
In Japan who entered full-fledged "pet symbiosis society", young people who choose pet business as a lifetime occupation are increasing.There are many technical schools in Japan.However, it is important that education is not important old business practices become important.
It was established with the aim of introducing contemporary technical education modeled on European and American academies into Japan and developing human resources capable of demonstrating leadership in pet business.
The association holds the qualification certification group according to the form and scale of the membership system, conducts periodic qualification review, and performs authorization work.
We hold "Trimming Skill Contest" .It is a festival competing with young people aiming to trimmer the result of technical training and competition with national fellows. In addition to the high skill of the participants, the winner of the tournament is attracting attention.
Please contact the Association Secretariat for an outline of the activities and participation methods of the Japan Pet Business School Association.